





45 min

60 - 75 min 

120 min

we will de-mystify the very essential parts of your design to give you a basic understanding of: 
+ how to step into working with the full potential of your energy type
+ how to navigate life with the least resistance (strategy)
+ how to make aligned decisions (authority)
+ how to trust your skill set (profile number)

we will deep dive into the deeper parts of your design and give you a knowledgable understanding of 
+ how to step into working with the full potential of your energy type
+ how to navigate life with the least resistance (strategy)
+ how to make aligned decisions (authority)
+ how to trust your skill set (profile number)
+ your channels and gates that speak to the questions you bring to the reading

we will first deep dive into your design and then tailor a unique sonic sound therapy session around your shadow self.
+ sound massage around open centers in your body
+ gong bath to wash all projected energy off your auric field

you’ll receive
+ our audio podcast from the session

you’ll receive
+ our audio podcast from the session
+ a full HD report written by me for your design
+ a link list with selected sources for your self study and deep dive into HD

you’ll receive + our audio podcast from the session
+ a full HD report written by me for your design
+ a link list with selected sources for your self study and deep dive into HD
+ 60 min sound therapy

how it works
+ you purchase here 
+ schedule yourself into her ︎︎︎calendar
+ you meet online 
+ you receive the above

how it works
+ you purchase here
+ schedule yourself into her ︎︎︎calendar
+ if you wish, write ︎︎︎an email with specific questions
+ you meet online
+ you receive the above

how it works
+ you purchase here
+ schedule yourself into her ︎︎︎calendar
+ you meet in yasemin’s casa in Berlin Kreuzberg 
+ you receive the above



yasemin is an intuitive,
a splenic manifestor 6.2.

booking a reading with a manifestor is specificially interesting if you are a manifestor yourself, or aside of your design you might be transforming into a new version of yourself and seek be initiated into action.

yasemin’s core essence as a manifestor is here to inspire you into choosing to live in aligned with your energy, with your relationships, your working life or just your pure being and presence. as a 6.2 she has been changing her own life upside down and can coach and share from experience. 

yasemin has accomplished several reader trainings from human design professionals like jenna zoe and advanced her knowledge over the years with established readers and educaters such as holly herbig, rachel lieberman, karren curry and more.

following your aligned path + parenting + relationships + manifestation + how to make decisions accordingto your current question


music — sets
© 2025 between berlin + turkey